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Sendust cores and iron powder core believe that many users don't quite understand the difference between them. Magnetic core manufacturer Mirrack takes you to understand according to industry experience. These four materials are expected to help you purchase materials.
Sendust Cores
Cost-effective material is an alternative to iron powder core (not including low permeability iron powder core).
Iron powder core
Magnetic permeability of about 10 materials with excellent frequency characteristics and impedance characteristics, good temperature characteristics, is the best material for radar and transmitter filter inductors, magnetic permeability 33 material is most suitable for tens of A to hundreds of A High-current inverter inductors, if the volume and temperature rise requirements are not high, you can use it to make a switching power supply output inductor with a frequency of 50KHz, APFC inductor, magnetic permeability 75 material is to do differential mode inductor and frequency A cost-effective material for a 20G filter inductor energy storage inductor.
Mirrack (Guangdong) Micro Metal Magnet Tech. Co., Ltd. is a hi-tech company specializing in R&D & manufacturing of high quality alloy powder cores, as well as a solution provider for a variety of magnetics applications. Email: danny@mirrack.com
What are the advantages of sendust cores?
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